Media & Events

Improve road safety and save lives. 
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Ilan Reingold awarded ‘CEO of the Year’ Smart Mobility 2024

Excited to share that EcoMotion Community 2024 Smart Mobility has awarded our Ilan Reingold “CEO of the year” for his…

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Drive TLV Partners Week, Amsterdam

Action packed week with countless opportunities for smart mobility startups to engage directly with industry experts and influential figures, setting…

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CES 2025, Las Vegas

Meet us at CES to see our demo and take part in our exciting journey.

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DDI2024 (International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention), Michigan

This year, the 9th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention will be focused on “Advances in the understanding and management…

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Hands on wheel


Startup Unveils AI Platform To Monitor Drivers By ‘Reading’ Minds

Israeli startup CorrActions is unveiling a new AI-driven platform to determine a driver’s cognitive state – whether they are sleepy…

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AI-Powered Solution Prevents Cognitive Distraction in Drivers

CorrActions, an Israeli AI firm, is revolutionizing driver safety with its groundbreaking NeuroMonitoring technology.

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Hands on wheel


CorrActions Revolutionizes Road Safety with AI NeuroMonitoring [Spanish]

CorrActions, an Israeli company, is transforming road safety with its AI-driven NeuroMonitoring technology, which prevents cognitive distractions and could save…

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Revolutionizing Road Safety: CorrActions Unveils Groundbreaking AI Technology at TRB Committee Meeting

CorrActions, a pioneering Israeli AI company, is revolutionizing road safety with its latest Driver NeuroMonitoring technology. It’s expected to reduce…

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CorrActions Launches Breakthrough AI NeuroMonitoring Technology to Enhance Road Safety

CorrActions, an innovative Israeli AI company, has introduced a transformative NeuroMonitoring solution that promises to significantly improve road safety and potentially…

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Profesional driver


Hey Justin, CorrActions Would Have Known You Shouldn’t Drive—Elon, Take Note!

CorrActions: Pioneering smarter, safer journeys with AI-driven NeuroMonitor technology that seamlessly enhances road safety without driver intervention.

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Seamless Safety: How CorrActions’ Non-Invasive NeuroMonitoring Enhances Driver Security

Operating seamlessly in the background, CorrActions’ solution uses non-invasive EEG technology to monitor brain activity through subtle muscle movements, offering…

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CorrActions’ life-saving AI-powered solution prevents cognitive distraction in drivers

CorrActions, an Israeli AI Driver NeuroMonitoring company, is unveiling a new transformative AI cognitive distraction detection solution. The solution was…

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NHTSA Transportation Research Board (TRB), Impairment in Transportation Committee, Washington DC

CorrActions will be on stage and panels together with: Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS), Bosch, Insurance Institute for…

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Drive TLV roadshow, Japan

Meet us in a week packed with meetings and industry events focused on the Japanese Automotive market.

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